Between 2000 and 2012, the Bottineau Boulevard Partnership provided leadership for the Bottineau Boulevard transportation corridor to attract new private investment through a powerful corridor vision.


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Local public officials and business leaders formed the Bottineau Boulevard Partnership to mobilize resources and offer civic leadership to guide the redevelopment of the Bottineau Corridor (County Road 81). A new, high quality transit investment was a consistent priority for the Partnership, which championed BRT in the mid-2000s and later changed its focus to light rail transit after 2010.

The Partnership encouraged a new vision for the corridor, first supporting a series of land use and development plans around the proposed bus rapid transit. As the process toward a light rail transit line moved forward, the Partnership studied lessons learned and best practices in Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The Partnership made a trip to Portland to study the process firsthand and considered how to apply these lessons in the Bottineau corridor.

For information about the current Bottineau Transitway project, please go to